Tuesday, March 28, 2017

BAP 2017 SEOUL BOOM World Tour Kickoff Concert


I saw BAP in concert for the first time! Listening to a group on YouTube or following their albums can never compare to what it is like to see them in person. The atmosphere is bursting with excitement and anticipation that is incomparable. Not to mention, they are so much more handsome in real life than through video...There is something about seeing them in person that makes them real. No longer are the group members just some random object of your admiration nor something to distract yourself with when you are bored, they are real living human beings with lives and talent and it makes them so much more admirable than at the beginning. They work so hard for their concerts and album releases and I think the fact that they can still be so carefree and playful while on stage performing makes me like the group more.

Since BAP is my favorite group, and has been since I was introduced to Kpop in 2013-2014, I had always wanted to see them perform. Unfortunately living in the USA doesn't yield many opportunities to see Kpop concerts, and when the chance did arise once it was during my final exam period at my university and I could not attend. Then when I came to Korea I saw they had a concert, but I just had this feeling it would never be manageable to go even though I wanted to so badly. It was only after talking to my long time friend and fellow BAP admirer that she informed me that if I wasted such a golden opportunity that she would kill me once she arrived in Korea to teach a few months from now. It was the push that I needed. I planned for many hours, found and convinced someone to attend with me, fought my way to buy tickets (very hard if you are a foreigner trying to pay on a site that is all in Korean...), made the nearly 4 hour bus trip to Seoul, stayed in a hostel, and made it on the Saturday of the concert.

The SEOUL BOOM concert was actually a series of three concerts throughout the weekend, each on Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. I only could make it to the Saturday one, but that was enough for me. Just to be able to be in the same building as them and see them in person was enough. Upon arriving at the Samsung Blue Concert Hall there were many things happening, and of course I had no clue what they were...I managed to find my way into a line to enter and to purchase concert merchandise. Even though I am a huge fan of BAP I never had the chance to own anything of theirs except for the albums, so I took this chance to represent. I bought myself a concert t-shirt, banner, and after the concert went back for photo cards as well. I could've spent my whole paycheck there...and bought jewelry and posters and so much more, but I had to reign myself in.

My Haul

I was in Standing B
Since the theme of the concert was 'Party Baby" there was a DJ to hype up the crowd prior to BAP taking the stage. Then before I knew it BAP took the stage for a two hour long performance accompanied by an encore and after-party encore. Photos and videos were strictly forbidden during the concert period, more so then I have ever seen before. There were people watching in the balcony and if they so much as saw your phone screen then pushed through the standing crowd and pulled you straight out. That being so, I was not able to take any photos or videos. I would have loved to, just for the proof that I was in the same room as them. I had even packed my selfie stick for that exact purpose. However, I think the fact that I wasn't glued to videotaping the whole concert enabled me to further enjoy and experience it instead. So, in the end I guess I am grateful for that.

BAP performed a wide array of their music, including solo's by several of the members. DaeHyun and Youngjae's solos were of course spectacular and well fit to their voices. Zelo's solo was a surprise to me, as it was sung in English. I loved it. Even though he was a bit difficult to understand, it wasn't because he was pronouncing it poorly as much as it was simply his accent. I think he did a wonderful job and I commend him for being courageous enough to sing in English. JongUp's solo also went well, and I enjoyed his singing and dance. He may not be a lead vocal, but his voice is very nice also.
There is a video on YouTube for Zelo's performance that another fan was able to capture. If you are interested click here for a link to that video.

Due to Bang Yong-guk's recent anxiety issues I believe he was purposely reserved during the concert. He still performed well and seemed to be enjoying himself, but at a distance. He did not walk out from the main stage, and sang less than the others. I do not hold this against him though, I think it is perfectly acceptable that he ease back into performing, and that he takes his time to be comfortable.

For a smaller concert hall I also really enjoyed the venue. I liked the stage and the fact that most of the fans could be in close proximity to the group. I also liked the many light displays and confetti that rained down around me. The fan light sticks also worked in conjunction to provide a very exciting and uplifting atmosphere in the concert hall.

Now I have to obsess for a moment and just say...I am SO happy I could see DaeHyun in real life. He is and always will be my first Kpop bias and yes, he really is as handsome as he looks in their music videos... *swoons* The fact that I was close to the stage and I could actually look into his eyes and see him sing to me is an experience that I will never forget. I certainly will never regret that moment. His cute and genuine smile also leaves me so twitterpated that I get all bubbly inside. Gosh is he ever handsome...

I had expected an encore, and was thrilled when it happened. I certainly didn't want the concert to end. I hadn't expected a second encore after-party though. I was surprised when they returned to the stage, as many fans had already left the concert hall. I had only stayed because I'd wanted to get some close up photos of the stage. The group came back out with lots of energy, sang and danced in quite the party style. They ran around the stage, fooling around with each other. Squirt guns were used on the fans and they splashed full water bottles all over each other which looked like lots of fun...I wish I could've joined them...ahhh. During the moment of their return to stage suddenly phones were whipped out of everyone's pockets and they were recording. I don't know if it was some sort of unspoken rule that the second encore was okay to be recorded or not, but no one stopped them. So, naturally I followed suit and documented what little I could for future memory. Not all of the video is the best, since there are other fans arms and whatnot in my shots, but I got to tape the members and their proximity to me which is more than enough to make me happy.

That being said, here is my video of the last moments of the concert. Don't they look like they are having a blast?

Since I finally have their merchandise and have seen them in concert I have decided I want to be an official member of their fan cafe...so that is the next hurdle I have to tackle...Figuring out how to sign up for it on a Korean website.

Forever with love for BAP

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