Sunday, April 23, 2017

Damyang's Juknokwon Bamboo Forest (담양 죽녹원)

North of the city of Gwangju is the area of Damyang, known especially for its bamboo cultivation and tourist attractions. Recently I went to Damyang to experience my first ever bamboo forest. Finding the way there was actually fairly simple. You can just take the 311 bus from Gwangju's USquare Bus terminal and take it all the way the the Juknokwon Bamboo Forest's stop. Once you arrive you will walk up the entrance stairway and come upon the ticketing booth. Ticket fees to enter the bamboo park are small, only costing 3,000 won (or like $2.70).

The park also offers maps in English, which can be helpful while navigating the area. Once you enter the forest tall, deep green bamboo towers all around you. As someone who had never seen bamboo before I can say the sight made me awe-struck. The bamboo varied in size from thin stalks to stalks so thick at the center that I couldn't wrap my hand around them. Some stalks were deep green in color while others were vibrant light greens. The various colors of the bamboo created a contrast against one another that was very beautiful. There were many paths through the park that all combine, so wandering throughout the bamboo was simple and relaxing. The many names and messages that had been carved into the bamboo over the years also left its own unique, timeless quality to the forest. The park can easily we maneuvered in about one hour, but I walked around it for nearly three, making sure I walked along every path, took photos of every shade of bamboo, and saw literally everything I possibly could. I also found my way to some craftsman's buildings, where traditional pansori singing was being practiced, traditional Korean fans were being handmade and sold, and where you could buy handmade Korean calligraphy brushes. The calligraphy brushes wrote well, so I bought two of them. The park was filled with many people, ranging from couples to large business trip getaways and families with children so I could tell it was a very popular spot to spend a weekend.

Aren't these bamboo trees just super beautiful!? I grew up in a rural area so I was practically raised in the woods, but this was a forest of a whole new world to me. I could've wandered around the bamboo all day if I could've wandered off trail. I wouldn't have minded getting lost in the beauty of this forest.

After leaving the bamboo park there was still much to try. Many of the shops outside the park sold various bamboo cutlery, toys, and souvenirs.  There also were many foods that to try. My first recommendation is to try bamboo ice cream, it surprised me as it was incredibly delicious. I liked it enough that later I went back to the same place and tried their bamboo latte as well. The taste is difficult to describe, and I don't want to describe it poorly. Basically it is a very natural tasting flavor, and it tasted kind of woody...but it was in a good way. It was sweet without being overpowering and was very refreshing to eat.

Bamboo Blade Ice Cream
Bamboo Blade Latte

After these tasty treats my friend and I needed something with some actual substance to fill our bellies and give us some energy, so we ate at one of the restaurants right next door. The food was great, and more than enough to fill us up. There were so many side dishes on our table there was no way we were going to be able to eat it all. The rice is also cooked inside bamboo stalks here and it gives it a different flavor then I have had in the past. It was delicious as well. After finishing the food, you can take the bamboo your rice was cooked in home with you. I brought mine home and cleaned it up and now have my own unique bamboo cup as a souvenir that I didn't have to really pay extra for.

Bamboo cooked rice
Our meal

Finally after leaving the park we walked along the river at sunset. It was a gorgeous view, with the sun setting behind the nearby mountains. There was an exhibit with many sculptures build out of bamboo which was interesting to see. It included a huge sculpture representing the 2015 World Bamboo fair, which was held in Damyang. Overall I highly recommend going to check out this park. It closes around 7pm daily, so I recommend coming to Damyang and having lunch, then setting out to see the forest. I wouldn't mind visiting again in the winter, I think seeing the forest again when there is a fresh blanket of white snow would give the park an entirely different aura of wonder.

Bamboo Bell Lights
World Bamboo Fair Sculpture

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