Tuesday, February 20, 2018

PyeongChang Winter Olympics 2018! ~ 평창 2018년 동계 올림픽 Day 2

After watching the men's single short skate the day before, we had no other plans for our time at the Olympics. That was at least, until the ice skating event ended and they announced the line up for the kpop guests that would be at the live stage the following day. I had had no idea that BAP was going to be at the Olympics while I was there, so my friend and I both were extremely excited to learn that they would be coming. BAP is my favorite kpop group of all time and they will forever be Best Absolute Perfect in my heart. They are all so talented and hard working.

Not ONLY was BAP going to be at the Olympics, other than paying 2,000 won to enter the Olympic Park it was completely free to see them! With that being the case, my friend and I assumed that there would be many fans there to see them, because it was a first come kind of set up. Even though they didn't perform until 8pm, we arrived at the Olympic Park at noon. We tried to waste time inside the park, but in all honesty there wasn't much to do there if you didn't have tickets to an event. We sat on the ground at the live stage and watched the event live streaming on the big screen there, watching the Men's Free Skate. Then we wandered around, played on the VR Bobsleigh machine, and frequently visited an art exhibit nearby (because there was heat). It was cold outside, which would have been tolerable for a few hours, but not quite all day. We were freezing. My toes hurt so bad because they were cold. However, we refused to leave our things and the spot we had claimed for the show. We WOULD be front row, no matter what. I ended up breaking down and buying ramyeon to eat, and also bought myself some hot packs and earmuffs from the official goods store (had to use up my Visa money anyway...).

We watched a few live performances throughout the day, a DJ, BBoy Crew, traditional dancing, but time passed slowly. I got bored. And I got cold. That is when we had a surprise. BAP suddenly walked out on stage at like 6 pm. They were doing a soundcheck, but I was thrilled to see them earlier than I had expected. My friend frantically waved at Zelo and he returned her wave too, so we were both dying a little. They were the kick that kept us going the next two hours until the show began. We thought that they performed first, because the line up listed on all the posters showed them first. So, the plan was to see them perform and then go home. We were wrong. They went last, which proved to be a problem for us later. Almost a very big problem.

We saw a variety of other performances, from bands and girl groups to soloists, and then finally at like 9:30 BAP came out on stage. Of course I screamed and waved a little, super excited to see them so up close. They played three songs in total, one of which was from their newest album. They seemed to be enjoying themselves on stage despite the cold weather. I hope their dancing managed to keep them warm while they performed, since they took their coats off to dance.

The highlight of my night though was Daehyun. He is my bias, and forever my top favorite singer. During their final song, my friend and I saw him wave to a member of the crowd, and so naturally we started waving at him too, hoping to get his attention. Being in the front row benefited us greatly, as he not only saw us both waving at him, but HE WAVED BACK. He waved at me and I nearly died right there I was so excited. After the show we tried to stick around and see if they would greet fans, but they didn't. Probably ran off somewhere to get warm, which I wouldn't blame them for doing.

💓 💓💓

BAP slays the crowd with their amazing vocals, rap, dance and pure talent ~

See the full video of their performance below:

Now I mentioned the fact that BAP performing last was almost a very huge problem. Here is why...

So, we finished at the Olympic park and had to get back to Jinbu where we were staying. It was about 50 minutes away by bus. We waited in line, took a free shuttle back to the bus terminal, and went to buy tickets home. With the Olympics going on I had heard they'd added a lot of buses to all the routes nearby, so I hadn't been worried. I should've been worried, and then finally I was very worried. There were no more buses to Jinbu when we arrived at the terminal. I was shocked, it was still early, and the events had just ended. How did they expect everyone to get home!?!

We asked two locals for help and they confirmed our fears, buses to Jinbu were finished until morning. My friend and I jumped straight to our Korail application and there was one last train heading to Jinbu, and it was a miracle we were able to buy tickets. Then we had to make it on the train though... it left in like 25 minutes, and we had to get to the station, get through security, and make it on the train before it left. We ran through the terminal and to the taxi stand (luckily we knew where it was already). Then once he dropped us off at the terminal we ran to security, with several people rooting us on, clearly obvious that we were trying to catch the train. We made it, luckily, but it was another exhausting effort on our part. We pretty much collapsed upon returning to where we were staying. Seems like I can never travel anywhere without some sort of transportation disaster scenario. As stressful as it is and as much as I hate it when those situations happen though, usually it has always been worth it.

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